Sunday, January 29, 2012

Trip Update

Well, it's been 20 days since I left for China. My trip is 2/9 complete (22.22222%). The end is not in sight by any means, but a reasonably substantial portion of the trip is in the rear view mirror. These past twenty days have been exhausting. I've been to 12 cities so far: Shanghai, Suzhou, Nanjing, Hangzhou, Hefei, Jiujiang, Wuhan, Changsha, Nanchang, Fuzhou, Xiamen, and Guangzhou. That covers 9 provinces (assuming we're counting Shanghai as an independent province, though it's technically a municipality not part of any province). China is a big country and I'm hoping to hit around 50 cities, so I have to keep to this grueling travel schedule. I'm going to be slowing down a tiny bit for the next week, as my next stops (including the current one in Guangzhou) are pretty big food cities. After this, I'll be heading to Hong Kong and then Macau. Hopefully with this schedule I should have time to post here and there.

So that's the brief update. Thanks, everybody, for your support and well-wishes.


  1. It is a most interesting trip due to the itinerary that are lined up. This is a very savory travel and I hope to undergo the same in the future.

  2. China is one of the countries in Asia that I wish to visit. It is a rich country with rich cultures. For now, I am looking for some cheap flights to Manila to enjoy the beauty of the Philippines.
