Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Street Food on The Bitten Word

Earlier this evening I came across a great food blog. The couple who write it live in DC (like me!) and primarily focus their energies on the foods they prepare themselves. I'm not much of a cook myself, but I like to eat good food and some of their sample pictures had me champing at the bit. What really caught my eye, though, were their two posts about their recent trip to China, particularly the one entitled "The Wackiest Foods We Encountered in China." In it, they recap some of the more adventurous items they came across, whether or not they actually tried them. Naturally, many of these "wacky" foods were street foods. Their pictures are lovely and do a terrific job of conveying the rich variety of street foods (and foods in general) in China. With their permission, here are some highlights:


 Whole Pigeons
(Credit: www.thebittenword.com

 Sheep Penis
(Credit: www.thebittenword.com

 Stinky Tofu
(Credit: www.thebittenword.com

Visit their blog for more great shots of great food.


  1. Among these street foods, stinky tofu is the best. I've tasted all these foods and it wasn't that bad at all, they just look weird but they taste like chicken.
